Smith Anderson Shines in 2021 Chambers USA with Most Band 1 Practice Rankings of Any NC-Based Law Firm
Chambers USA, one of the world’s leading research, analytics and rankings agencies for the legal profession, has listed 29 Smith Anderson lawyers as being among the top practitioners in North Carolina. Additionally, six out of the 11 ranked practice areas are Band 1 rated, the most of any other North Carolina-based firm.
Smith Anderson continues to have more lawyers recognized in the Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions category than any other North Carolina-based law firm and has maintained its ranking as the sole Band 1 rated firm in the Raleigh, Greensboro and Surrounds region.
We are also pleased to share that we were awarded a Band 1 rating in the first year that our Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation practice was researched by Chambers. Our Health Care practice entered the rankings as well and our Construction practice moved up to Band 1. Practices and lawyers included in the guide receive a ranking from Band 1 (highest) to Band 6 (lowest).
Chambers USA honored Smith Anderson with recognition in the following practice categories: Banking & Finance, Construction, Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions, Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation, Environment, Health Care, Intellectual Property, Labor & Employment, Litigation: General Commercial, Real Estate and Tax. In addition to these practice categories, individual lawyers were also recognized in Real Estate: Land Use and Zoning and Real Estate: Finance.
Chambers USA provides law firm practice and lawyer rankings based on independent research and conversations with clients, peers and members of the business community. Included below are some of the reviews our firm was fortunate to receive:
- "They are incredible. You get the quality of a big city London or New York type of lawyer at local North Carolina rates and with a lot of accessibility."
- "Top-notch attorneys who are dedicated to not only protecting clients against risk, but helping clients further their business."
- "I feel like I have the A-team representing our interests. The lawyers are transparent and candid."
- "They are always asking what they can do better and what they can do for us. You always know that the team will come through for us; they get it."
- "They are the best in the market."
The following is a list of all 29 Smith Anderson lawyers who are honored as leading attorneys in the 2021 Chambers USA guide:
Banking & Finance
Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions
Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Intellectual Property
Labor & Employment
Litigation: General Commercial
Real Estate
Real Estate: Finance
Real Estate: Zoning/Land Use
CLICK HERE to learn more about recent recognition our firm and individual lawyers have received from clients, peers and the business community.
Chambers USA ranks the leading lawyers and law firms across the USA. Legal rankings are based on in-depth market analysis and independent research, conducted by experienced researchers. Chambers and Partners rankings and research provides necessary information, statistics and firm overviews when needed to make an informed decision when purchasing legal services. For more information, please visit Chambers' methodology page.
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- Attorney
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- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Managing Partner
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Firm Chair
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
- Attorney
Related Areas
- Appellate Advocacy
- Banking & Finance
- Business Litigation
- Commercial Contracts
- Commercial Real Estate
- Construction & Infrastructure
- Corporate & Syndicated Finance
- Corporate & Transactional
- Corporate and Securities Litigation
- Corporate Governance
- Data Privacy & Security
- Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
- Employment Litigation
- Employment, Labor and Human Resources
- Environmental
- Financial Institutions
- Health Care Law
- Insurance Recovery
- Intellectual Property
- Mass Tort & Catastrophic Loss
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Mezzanine Finance
- Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Litigation
- Product Liability
- Public Companies
- Real Estate Development
- Real Estate Litigation
- Tax
- Toxic Torts, PFAS and Asbestos Litigation
- Venture Capital