Legislative Year in Review

The North Carolina General Assembly’s 2023 Session

The North Carolina General Assembly convened to start the 2023-24 biennial legislative session on January 11. Speaker of the House Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) became the longest-serving Speaker in state history when he was re-elected by the House of Representatives to a fifth consecutive term. The Senate also re-elected Sen. Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) to his seventh term as Senate President Pro Tempore.

The House and Senate began their legislative work on January 25. After a total of 135 legislative days for the Senate and 133 legislative days for the House, the General Assembly adjourned its 2023 legislative session on October 25, with a monthly schedule of pro forma sessions until the start of the short session in April.
During this year’s long session, the House and Senate addressed a number of bills that ranged from landmark legislation authorizing Medicaid expansion to more routine bills like this year’s Regulatory Reform bill. Out of the 1,659 bills that were introduced this session, only 149 became law. Not every bill enacted requires the Governor’s signature such as local bills, bills related to appointments and redistricting legislation.
Over this year, Governor Roy Cooper signed 74 bills into law and vetoed 19 of them. Thirteen bills became law without the Governor’s signature. With supermajorities in the House and Senate, the two chambers chose to override all 19 of the gubernatorial vetoes. 
Although the House did not start the long session with a Republican supermajority, it became one in the spring with Rep. Tricia Cotham’s (R-Mecklenburg) switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Rep. Cotham gave the House Republicans the one vote they needed for a supermajority. 


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